Hope and Patience saw us through

The Challenge/ Problem/ Situation (Before God's Intervention)

My husband and I got married in 2013 but we didn’t have our son until 2017. For all the years in between it was hell, we had tried and tried but we just weren’t getting pregnant.

At some point we had both decided to go and do IVF, and we saw our GP who referred us for the consultation. We hadn’t mentioned a word of this to a soul and were about to start the process in 2015 when I randomly received a call from my older sister who lives in Nigeria. She said to me a pastor and friend to our family gave her a message for me. The message was, God wants me to wait, my child is on the way and I don’t need to do IVF.

I was in awe because like I said earlier, we hadn’t told a soul. I agreed with it straight away, held on to that promise and told my husband, but he, being the more logical one in our marriage was not having any of it. As time went by and still with no pregnancy, my decision not to do IVF began to shake our marriage. We hit rock bottom, argued and fought all the time, we both wanted to call it quits. But for some reason, I’m the midst of all the chaos, the blaming, the shame, the fights and the tears, my Faith was unwavering because I believed in Gods promise to me.

How God Intervened

I had visited many Holy Ghost services, over the years, my mum went to camp, prayed for me regularly and the message was the same, it was one of hope and patience. The word of God that stayed in my heart through all this was Roman’s 12:12 “Be joyful in hope, Patient in affliction and Faithful in prayer” and that is what I did. I worshiped and thanked God for what I knew he had already done. It was only at the point when my husband and I were at peace with our circumstances, we had gone on holiday in 2016 and come back feeling refreshed and stopped worrying about getting pregnant that we took in.

The Outcome (Situation After God's Intervention)

We got pregnant in September 2016 and we are both proud parents to a beautiful, lovely, intelligent little boy, his name is Kamsiyochi which means “Just as I asked God” and he is a Son of God. I will never forget the feeling I had when I heard the words “it’s a boy” I was over joyed, and so grateful to God for answering my prayers. My son is now 2 years old and everyday I still thank God for him.

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Celebrating Divine Interventions

Psalms 107:2

NIV >>> Let the redeemed of the LORD tell their story - those He redeemed from the hand of the foe...

MSG >>> All you set free by GOD, tell the world! Tell how He freed you from oppression...

NLT >>> Has the LORD redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others He has redeemed you from your enemies..

BBE >>> Let those whose cause the Lord has taken up say so, His people whom He has taken out of the hands of their haters ...

NKJV >>> Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy....

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