Christian Social Responsibility (CSR)
...... Meeting Societal Needs,
Demonstrating Love .......




CSR: Our Approach
The CSR Concept
Christian Social Responsibility (CSR) is a faith-based obligation to meet societal needs through the demonstration of love that positively impacts communities and individuals. CSR has its roots in Christianity and the Church is meant to be an example for the World to follow.
In the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Christian Social Responsibility is an external based initiative for community relations, in pursuant to Global Sustainable Development Goals. It also helps show the love of Christ to the needy. The CSR initiative is subdivided into eight identifiable pillars called SHEMBAGS. This acronym stands for Social Health Education Media Business Art/Entertainment Governance Sports.
RCCG-DSA CSR Framework
In Dominion Sanctuary ACME Region 19 Headquarters (DSA), our CSR objectives are in tandem with that of the National headquarters . However, for DSA we have identified our scope and focus for interventions to be hinged on the following four (4) Pillars, with primary focus on external interventions in the communities: 1. SOCIAL 2. HEALTH 3. EDUCATION 4. GOVERNMENT
Social CSR
- Social relates to human society, the interaction of the individual and the group, or welfare of human beings as members of society.
- It pertains to the life, welfare and relations of human beings in a community
- Investing in programmes and solutions that are focused on meeting societal needs.
The Elements of Social CSR
- Feeding and Skills Acquisition
- Prison Outreaches
- Orphanage Outreaches
- Charity Shop – Clothing, Furniture, Toys
- Drug Rehabilitation
- Shelter for Abused Women
- Juvenile Delinquency
- Environmental Architecture (Street Light, Tree Planting, Street Cleaning, Boreholes)
- Social enterprise/empowerment/cottage industry revolution
- Disaster Relief
Health CSR
The World Health Organisation defines health as the “state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease” (WHO 2010).
The Elements of Health CSR
- Health Awareness Programs/Advocacy & Medical Outreach/Let’s go a-fishing
- Health Institution/Clinics/Maternity
- Drug Abuse Rehabilitation Centers
- Health Intervention areas (Medical Tourism, Ambulances, Mercy Ship)
- Medical Insurance
- Health Maintenance Organisations (HMO)
- Medical equipment
- Mental Health
- Specialists Hospitals
- Water/Hygiene/Sanitation
- Facilities & Infrastructure
Education CSR
Education is a fundamental principle for transforming human lives
The Elements of Education CSR
- RCCG Schools – Bridging the equipment and infrastructural gaps
- Fortress Schools
- Build-a-School
- Equip-a-School
- Mentor-a-School
- Adopt-a-School
- Crèche/Nursery/Primary/Secondary Schools
- Higher Institution/Polytechnic/University Endowment/Infrastructural Gaps
- Vision 2025 – Eradication of Illiteracy
- Domestic Staff Education
- Adult Education
Government CSR
We positively influence governance by encouraging political awareness through civic education, voter participation and leadership in the political process
The Elements of Government CSR
- Conducting Services for Governments & their Agencies
- Civic Education and Empowerment
- Leadership and Governance Academy
- Seminars and Conferences
- Strategic Engagement with Government and Influencers
CSR Activities
- Pictures
- Videos
- Join Us
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