
Department Groups

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House Fellowship

Members of this group lead the fellowship in members homes.

Tehilla Choir

Leads the congregation to the presence of God via worship using inspirational songs and musical instrumentations as a tool during all church programs and

Dominion Communications

This group oversees the following: 1) the Print media: Content development and production of printed matters of the church. 2) Web/Social media: Content development, design

Dominion Teens church

A place for raising Godly teenagers between the age of 13 and 20.we are poised in restoring family values and raising a complete teenager


The Ushering department serves as a first representative of Jesus Christ for a worship service. The department acts as doorkeeper and

Dominion Volunteer

Dominion Volunteer is a group of respected, trained, cultured and God-fearing Church workers saddled with the responsibility of ensuring a safe worship environment. This


We Minister to the spiritual and material needs of Inmates of the Agodi and Ijebu- Ode Correctional Homes, respectively located at Ibadan in Oyo


The department uses drama as a tool to proclaim the message of the gospel of Christ. We enlighten believers and unbelievers alike about the

Hygiene and Environment (Sanitation)

We create a clean, healthy and welcoming atmosphere in the church, both externally and internally by constantly improving on the aesthetic look of the

Sunday School

The Sunday School ministry does the following: (1.) Teaching the undiluted WORD of God. (2.) Discipling church members. (3.) While teaching, we meet emotional,

be a part of what God Is Doing

You definitely fit in somewhere