Drama Department

The department uses drama as a tool to proclaim the message of the gospel of Christ. We enlighten believers and unbelievers alike about the knowledge of God and critical spiritual issues that would have been a bit diffcult to explain verbally. We aim at opening the eyes of our audience to the will and mind of God as opposed to merely entertaining them
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THE JESUS APPROACH “Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.” He went about doing THREE things: Preaching,Teaching and Healing. - (The “Preaching” and “Teaching” involved passing of messages to the listeners.- However, how was He able to pass His MESSAGES across to this diverse people? -Matthew 13: 2-3) ”… Then He spoke many things to them in parables,…” (PREACHING) Mark 4:2 “… and He taught them many things in parables…” (TEACHING) ...... There were 64 Parables of Jesus Christ: Matthew = 40 parables; Luke = 18 parables; Mark = 3 parables; John = 3 parables; 32 out of all these Parables were Narrative Drama. This is the strongest uniqueness of the ministry of Drama:“…becoming all things to all men….in order to save some…