When God speaks

Date: April 25, 2021
Subject Category:
Speaker: Pastor Kole Oluwajana
Text: Psalm 62:11, Jeremiah 10:13
God speaks when the heavens are opened. As believers, we should be able to hear when God speaks in order not to be misled by deceits and false doctrines. It is important to feed this Spirit of God within us. The message gives an exposition on what the Spirit should be fed with.

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Don't Postpone Your Salvation

God Sent Jesus For You (John 3:16)

If you would ask Jesus into your heart now, you will have everlasting life and heaven becomes your new eternal home. Do not risk your eternity. Say the prayer below where you are now (with your mouth, meaning it with all your heart):

Say This Prayer

O God, I thank you for sending Jesus for my salvation. I believe Jesus died for my sins and resurrected from death. I repent and ask for forgiveness of my sins, and this day I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

If you have genuinely said this prayer, simply fill this form to receive prayers and more life changing information.

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