Open and Closed Doors

Text: Isaiah 45:1-3

We encounter a door when moving forward from one realm to another, one place to another or from one level to another. In the journey of life, however, each encounter is with either a closed door or an open door. In the above scripture, the Lord promised His people that their gates will never be shut. There are however circumstances where God shuts a door to His people for a while and for a reason. Let us examine doors, whether open or closed, and what they symbolise.

▪ The transition from one place to another, where the other side of the door is where we are going.
▪ An entry or exit point. In Acts 12, the door symbolised an exit for Peter from his bondage in the prison.
▪ A barrier preventing someone from gaining access to a particular place or person.
▪ A spiritual boundary that keeps us in a place or keeps the enemy out of a territory.
▪ The crossing of a threshold, which indicates a significant movement from one life to another, for example, from singleness to marriage, from barrenness to fruitfulness. Once that threshold is crossed, unimaginable possibilities are presented.
▪   Communication and agreement can be absent or present if a door is shut or opened.

▪ Jesus, the Door. John 10:9
▪ A great door – 1 Corinthians 16:9
▪ Double doors – Isaiah 45:13
▪ Ancient doors – Psalms 24:7
▪ Our house door – Exodus 12:23
▪ Door to men’s hearts – Acts 16:6
▪ A door of faith – Acts 14:27
▪ A door of hope – Hosea 2:15
▪ The door to our lips. – Psalms 141:3
▪ A door for the word – Colossians 4:3
▪ A door of the gospel – 2 Corinthians 2:12
▪ The church door – Psalms 84:10
▪ Prison doors – Acts 5:9
▪ The tomb door – Matthew 27: 60
▪ Heavenly door – Revelation 4:1

▪ An invitation to move forward, such as the Lord set before his people an open door in Revelation 3:8
▪ Freedom, like Peter in Acts 12:10
▪ New potentials and new opportunities
▪ Removal of barriers
▪ Change in level that comes without hinderance
▪ A new beginning
▪ Access gained, like when you knock, and the door is opened in Matthew 7:7

When an opportunity presents itself in the form of an open door, we must ask the following questions:

1. Have I prayed through about it?

2. Will this opportunity bring God glory, or will it dishonour God?

3. Will the open door bring me closer to God or draw me away from Him?

4. Does this opportunity bless others?

5. Does it contradict the scriptures?

6. Have I received a confirmation?

7. Is it the right time?

8. Does it require total dependence on God?

If the answer to any of these questions in negative, we must prayerfully reconsider taking that step or opportunity or making that change at that time, if not at all.

Closed doors (When God closes a door) could symbolise:

▪ The need to change direction. God closed a door against Balaam to prevent him from proceeding on a journey that was against the purpose of God. (Numbers 22)
▪ To prevent the enemy from gaining entry. The gates into Jerusalem were to be shut due to the risk of attack by the enemy. (Nehemiah 7:3)
▪ The need to develop spiritually. The door was shut upon the disciples because they needed to wait on the arrival of Jesus in their midst. (John 20:26)
▪ To stop trusting in man and ensure that man depends on God totally.
▪ The need to wait for God’s time or to prepare for the task ahead.

When the enemy shuts the door upon a child of God, he is presented with the following choices:

▪ Push forward and gain access forcefully
▪ Look for the right instrument to gain access
▪ Turn back defeated.

In our text, Isaiah 45:2, the Lord promises to break gates of bronze in pieces and cut all bars of iron placed by the enemy to prevent His children from moving forward. We must cast down all imaginations and bring every contrary thing to subjection, (2 Corinthians 10:5)

God is set to give us open doors. He will open and none shall shut. (Isaiah 22:22)

There is however a door to eternity which is the ultimate destination for every man or woman.

Luke 13: 24-25. Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able. When once the Master of the house has risen up and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock at the door, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open for us,’ and He will answer and say to you, ‘I do not know you, where you are from,’


I pray that none of us will be shut out in Jesus name. Amen.

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Dominion Sanctuary, Acme (DSA) is the Region 19 headquarters parish of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).


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